SHELL | EU-INDIA-BCE Platinum Sponsor

VERBIO | EU-INDIA-BCE Platinum Sponsor


Kyriakos Maniatis
Europe Chair
Independent Consultant @ETA Florence Renewable Energies
Former European Commission, DG ENER

Y.B. Ramakrishna
India Chair
Former Chairman – Working group on Biofuels
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas

David Chiaramonti
Polytechnic of Turin, Energy Department, Italy

Renato Domith Godinho
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil

G S Krishnan
President of ABLE (Association of Biotechnology led Entrepreneurs), India

Tarun Sawhney
Chairman of CII-Bio Energy, India

Dasappa Srinivasaiah
IISc Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Eric van den Heuvel
Studio Gear Up,
the Netherlands
Interested International participants should contact Mr. Maniatis
Interested participants from India should contact Mr. Ramakrishna
For general questions please contact ETA Florence at
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