VERBIO is a leading independent bioenergy producer and the only large industrial-scale producer of biodiesel, bioethanol and biomethane in Europe with ongoing expansion of international footprint in India and North America. VERBIO is a technology leader in the biofuels market and concentrates on the use of internally developed innovative, energy efficient and sustainable production processes. VERBIO’s fully integrated supply chain ensures top quality control from raw material aggregation to end-product logistics in a cost competitive manner.
VERBIO’s vision is to be the alternative energy supplier of the 21st century. With biofuels produced from our “made in Germany” technology, we are always one generation ahead.
Energy production from renewable resources is a key component of the future energy mix. Renewable raw materials have the potential to permanently replace fossil fuels and simultaneously solve the problem of surplus agricultural waste production in co-operation with regional farmers in India.
VERBIO believes in “Green Mobility” and there is no doubt that Bio-Fuels will help in permanently reducing dependence on fossil fuels and substantially cut CO2 emissions in the transport sector. VERBIO’s biofuels achieve CO2 savings of up to 90% compared to petrol or diesel.
VERBIO will commission its first and India’s largest Biofuel production unit in March 2022 in Punjab and aims to expand its position as one of India’s leading producers of biofuels.
VERBIO is committed to the principle of sustainability and treat natural resources carefully and responsibly. Using the latest technologies, we contribute to safeguarding the energy supply. And with our fuels, we are showing the way forward in climate protection in India.